Friday, September 28, 2018

Weekly News and Notes

We have some updates from UHS after a great Spirit Week!

Spirit Week

First, many thanks to the Student Council for coordinating an incredible Homecoming and Spirit Week. With the number of athletic games tomorrow, and so many of our students involved in the themes of the days this week, we have been enjoying seeing our Spartans come together in good spirit. While pep rallies are loud and generally boisterous, the students all seemed to enjoy participating in the games, and all five classes were well represented. Our band was also fabulous as always, with senior conductor Dan Salzburg leading.

We especially thank seniors Harrison Mansfield and Kaylie Gonya, who coordinated all the events for Student Council. 

Our school photographer will have photographs of the event online by next week, and we hope to share some candids as well!

Ringworm and Impetigo

Some students may have been reporting that there is an outbreak of ringworm at the school. While isolated to a handful of students, ringworm and impetigo are both highly contagious and very common. We did send a letter home earlier this week to all students, and, following confirmation of these conditions, forwarded a separate letter, linked here, to some student-athletes, outlining precautions. Feel free to read if you have any concerns.

Half Day Next Friday

There is a half-day next Friday, October 5. Students will be dismissed from UHS at 10:30 a.m.

School Council Member Needed

Our School Council is in need of a grade 8 parent member. We currently have five parent members, all of whom are parents of students in grades 9-12. We thank Dawn McCarthy for stepping into the role of secretary, and we welcome Melissa Fischer, parent of a senior and first-year, to the role of co-chair.
If interested, please reach out to Mr. Rubin.

Athletic Trainer

We are pleased to welcome Kelsey Carpenter as our new athletic trainer. Kelsey comes to UHS after a two-year stint on Long Island, where she worked as a head athletic trainer and with an athletic training organization. She started at UHS on Friday, and we look forward to her working with our student-athletes and coaches. As she gets more settled, we will be sure to update websites and contact information with her details.

Homecoming Games

Games on Saturday include:
Boys soccer: 9:00 a.m. (no junior varsity)
Girls soccer: 11:00 a.m. (varsity and JV)
Field Hockey: 1:00 p.m. (varsity)
Field Hockey: 2:15 p.m. (junior varsity)
Football: 3:30 p.m.

Cross country will have some runners competing at an invitational meet on Saturday, having run their records to 6-0 for both the boys and girls earlier this week.

Hope to see many of you out to support our classes and the teams on Saturday!

Homecoming Dance

The Homecoming Dance is Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Be advised that students who leave are not permitted re-entry. Also, we sometimes notice that attendees sometimes like to take off their shoes when they get uncomfortable - particularly girls in heels. Students cannot enter common areas, particularly bathrooms, in bare feet, as this is a health code violation. Given the school's recent exposure to ringworm and impetigo, we would strongly recommend that students eschew fashion in favor of comfortable shoes that can be worn all night.

Thank you, as always, for your support and feedback.

Michael Rubin, Principal

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