Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Grade 8 Orientation

Good afternoon,

With each passing day (if not hour) we get closer in terms of our preparation for the coming year. We know there is always a bit of anxiety when students start a new school, and so we strive to help ease that tension from both students and families, even as we understand that this year brings with it some new challenges for us all.

We appreciate your patience as we delayed our typical orientation days for grade 8 students. As opposed to scheduling these during the day, when families may have difficulty with transportation or work responsibilities, we are scheduling our orientations for three different times next week, with an alphabetical sort governing our groups:

September 2: Last names A-G, 5-6:30 p.m.

September 3: Last names H-P, 5-6:30 p.m.

September 3: Last Names Q-Z, 7:00-8:30 p.m.

If you cannot make the time established for you, please reach out to us at the high school so we can try to assign to another cohort. We are trying to manage times.

Some guidelines:

1. To accommodate distancing and safety, we are asking that students and only one parent/guardian attend.

2. All attendees must wear a mask. 

3. All attendees must practice physical distancing. While family members may sit in adjacent seats, three empty chairs should be left between families, even if you have a known comfort level with the friend.

4. All attendees should complete a self-check before entering a school building. Those with fever greater than 100.4, congestion, dry cough, breathing difficulties, sore throat and/or chills should NOT enter our school buildings or offices.  It is extremely important that you do NOT come to our schools or offices if you are sick. 

The program will spend about 45-60 minutes in the auditorium, and then we will allow families some time to walk around the building, students to find classrooms, etc. The hallways and stairs are set up for specific transit, and this will enable students to get a sense of how to best traverse the building as well.

We will post all materials that we cover online sometime after the event, as well as some questions that get brought up by those who attend.

We look forward to seeing you soon and welcoming the Class of 2025 to UHS!

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