Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Grade 7 Open House

Dear Parent/Guardian of the Class of 2027:

It is hard to believe that in a few short months your students will be joining us at Uxbridge High School, as we welcome our incoming eighth graders, the Class of 2027, to school this August. As we progress through the spring, we hope that this Open House will be the start of several opportunities where we will help you, the students, and our staff learn about each other, get excited about the opportunities ahead, and ease the transition.

In that spirit, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming Open House at Uxbridge High School. This has been scheduled for Thursday, March 24, 2022, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The night takes  a structured approach with a combination of time with our administration, introduction to different disciplines, and having an opportunity to see the building. Our hope is that you will not only come with questions to ask of our staff and students, but also use the time to learn a bit about what grade 8 looks like at Uxbridge High School, as the schedule, course offerings, and extracurricular activities are a bit different than what students have experienced as students at Whitin.

So you can plan accordingly, the schedule for the night will essentially be:

6-6:30: Auditorium, presentation by administration

6:35-6:50: Tour stop 1

6:55-7:10: Tour stop 2

7:15-7:30: Tour stop 3

7:35-7:50: Tour stop 4

7:55-8:10: Tour stop 5

8:15-8:30: Tour stop 6

Parents/guardians and their students will be broken up into small groups and will follow different paths around the building, but that will allow all participants to see each of the areas and speak with department leaders and teachers about the experiences and opportunities at UHS.

In the coming weeks, we will also be hosting some parent coffees and Zoom meetings to help alleviate any concerns and answer any questions that parents may have. Additionally, we are hosting the seventh grade students at UHS on the morning of March 10. We also plan on visiting Whitin with students and school counselors over the next few weeks to help build additional relationships and have students answer questions from students.

We look forward to seeing you here on the 24th. Please reach out if you have any questions or needs!


Michael D. Rubin


Uxbridge High School

Email: mrubin@uxbridge.k12.ma.us

Phone: 508-278-8633, extension 4000

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