Friday, May 21, 2021

Weekly Update, May 21

 We have a couple of updates from UHS:

Vaccine Clinic Sunday!

Thanks to our partners at the Board of Health! The Vaccine Clinic here on Sunday will be from 11-3, and parents who accompany those 12+ are welcome as well. There will be pizza, sandwiches, and treats on hand from a number of local businesses who are supporting our efforts, such as Anzio's Pizza, Mendon Street Kitchen, and Say Cheese, as well as having popcorn and cotton candy!

Parents can sign up using this link:

Final Exam Schedule

Though we do not intend to run "final exams" in a traditional sense, we are working on a final schedule where students will wrap up classes over the last few days of school:

June 17: 1/2 Day: A-B-C (60 minutes each)
June 18: 1/2 Day: D-E-F (60 minutes each)
June 21: 1/2 Day: G Block (60 minutes, then school field day and lunch until 11:00)
June 22: 1/2 Day, all classes meet

We wanted to come up with some sort of year-end celebration/rally, given the year that we have had, where we could celebrate our Spartan Pride. Thanks to the Student Council for stepping up to help organize!


Kudos to grade 10, who wrapped up MCAS this week. Grade 8 will test next week, and then grade 9 will test in early June in science. We're proud of the effort of the students, who were focused all week.


We have been working hand-in-hand with the Board of Health on masks and making sure that we are focusing on the implementation of new DESE guidance as well as MIAA guidance on mask-wearing and athletics. In sum, the following is now the case:
  1. Students no longer have to wear masks when outdoors. At this time, adults and students must continue to wear masks indoors. We are still attempting to maintain some distancing of at least three feet when outdoors.
  2. Students who are exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual, if outside, do not have to quarantine.
  3. Given the low likelihood of surface transmission of COVID-19, schools no longer have to avoid sharing objects. This includes classroom materials, items for physical education, or art supplies. Shared objects no longer have to be cleaned or disinfected between use. This includes student desks and classroom spaces. 
  4. For areas where masks are not worn (i.e., lunch areas), we will be cleaning surfaces between use. If a surface or object is visibly soiled, it will be immediately cleaned. If someone in the school in the past 24 hours has confirmed to have COVID-19, the spaces (i.e., classroom, bus and lunch area) they were in will be cleaned and disinfected.
  5. High touch surfaces (door handles, bus seats, drinking fountains) will be cleaned once a day.
  6. In terms of athletics, masks/face coverings are no longer required for all student-athletes during outdoor competition and practice only; indoor sports (ie: spring cheer) are still required to wear mask/facial covering.
    • Masks/face coverings are no longer required for spectators if social distancing can be maintained. Individuals within the same family group/household may be mask-less even if distancing is not maintained.
Have a great weekend!

Michael Rubin, Principal

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