Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Holiday Poem

 I don't often feel inclined to channel my creative writing skills these days, and even more rare are the occasions when writing poetry seems the most apropos way to deliver a message. Last night, I got a little inspired, and, well, what is below is the result. I shared with our staff this morning.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and healthy holiday and new year. May 2021 bring joy and hope to us all.

'Twas the night before break and all through the room

Everyone's thinking of shutting down Zoom.

With I on my laptop and kids' tablets charged too,

We were ready to bid 2020 adieu.

But before we could leave and call it a year,

Before chilling the egg nog or pouring some cheer

I paused to reflect on this joyous day,

And hoping 'gainst hope that we'd not lost our way.

See, this year had once started, in spirit and hope,

But after March came, it was easier to mope.

We were wrenched from our lives and forced into masks,

Reminded each day of our distancing tasks.

We spread out our desks and sanitized hands,

Ensured the full function of all venting fans,

For our students behind those masks held a smile 

Despite fear and the tension we felt all the while.

The world around us is filled with such clatter, 

On one hand because we know our work does matter.

So as I parted for break, I heard from the street 

A bang and a crash, so I jumped from my seat.

Outside I saw him, in his festive red,

Boots on his feet and a cap on his head.

He stood and he shouted with a festive cry,

The same has been uttered in the years gone by:

"On Dasher, on Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen

On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen.

To the top of their roof, down their schoolway hall,

What they all deserve can't be found in a mall,

Not sold on Etsy or Amazon Prime,

Not streamed on Netflix, not a drink twist with lime.

No, what they have earned equates with some rest,

For the staff and their efforts have been but the best.”

He went on to tell with a stentorian voice,

(That word is a favorite thesaurus choice):

“With Christmas this year, all teachers should know

light at tunnel's end, it is starting to glow.”

From St. Nick's white beard, the words came with a smile, 

To give us the gift we’ve wanted a long while:

"From vaccine and science, now research and shots

From Fauci and Pfizer, now hope we have lots.

Quarantine, sure, keep your gatherings small,

Future success requires effort from all.

While tired you are and while some of you weary,

Your voices exhausted, from screens your eyes bleary,

It still remains true to this very day,

That this fearless staff has NOT lost its way.

On admin and union, you still work together,

For parents and students, through all kinds of weather.

There may be dark days from the virus to heed

So camaraderie's trust is what you have and need,

But first take that time, your battery charge must be strong,

For the weeks are not easy, the hours are long. 

You've adapted new learning, a task no doubt monstrous,

With a lesson at home and in class that's synchronous.

Now be stronger together and fail apart,

In the new year cooperate with hope and with heart."

I realized his gift was not something wrapped nice,

But rather some worldly, old fashioned advice.

He then gave me a smile, his eyes they both shined

Wondering if the fatigue had insaned my mind.

I heard his old mantra as he got back on his sleigh

And with a "ho-ho-ho" he set off on his way.

As he flew off that night and awayed to the sky,

To sum him up nicely, I wanted to try.

I popped open the laptop, to type a message anew,

Since that’s what I’m told most good principals do.

Wanting to pen one more word as St. Nick left my sight,

One more “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night,”

But I knew that those words were not nearly enough,

Since this year for all has been so very rough.

So I wrote one simple line as this year was done -

“Thank you, my friends - on to 2021!”

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