Thursday, September 3, 2020

Weekly News and Notes, September 4

 We have a few updates from Uxbridge High School this week.

Cohort Assignments

Cohort assignments for UHS are complete. We will be sending hard copy letters home next week with cohort assignments, though some may be visible on iParent and iStudent in the coming days. We have worked to make sure that our cohorts are quantitatively even - this means that we have a similar number of students in the building each day. 

We understand that there may be reasons that families want to change cohorts. At this time, we are not able to adjust any of the cohorts, unless we have made a mistake in terms of family assignments with respect to other buildings, or if we have mistakenly assigned a student to remote-only learning when the student should be in-person. If there were an error, which does happen, please reach out to the office and let us know.

Transportation assignments will also be done soon, and those assignments will be forthcoming. Again, if there is an error, please let us know.


While a full update from Mr. Carbone will be forthcoming, it goes without saying that we are disappointed and frustrated by the amount of information that has been disseminated in the community about athletics. In that spirit, I am sharing the video below from our School Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 2, during which we addressed most of the factors influencing all decisions about athletics.

There have been statements made that the principal has "cancelled the season," "postponed the start," or "changed when kids can start playing." None of those are remotely true or factual. There have been some decisions made by the league, and there will continue to be adjustments made as we consider the best ways we can start athletics. However, please know that the layers of complexity and responsibility, set against the reality of the pandemic and coupled with the absolute requirement of starting school first, are many.

Grade 8 Orientation

It was great to see so many of our students and their families back in the building this week, as we welcomed back our Class of 2025 as part of orientation. The video will be compiled by our colleagues at Uxbridge Cable and shared for everyone.

Protocols and Procedures

We will be providing an overview of procedures and protocols for students and families next week. These will be required viewing as part of our Handbook requirements for this coming year, particularly as we ensure that all students and members of our extended community are clear on what the shared demands for safety are.

Update from the Nurse's Office

Welcome back to UHS we are excited to see our returning students and welcome our new 8th grade students! As we look ahead to the beginning of the school year I wanted to reach out and introduce myself to our new families as the school nurse at Uxbridge High School. I am looking forward to seeing many new faces as well as familiar faces. 
If your child has any changes in health status, health concerns, medical conditions, new allergies, or medications please contact me to discuss a plan of care. 
Medications: Whenever possible, every effort should be made for medications to be taken at home. If your child will require a daily or as needed medication during the school day please have your doctor fill out the attached medication order, we will also accept the doctor's own order form. Forms can be emailed to me or the doctor’s own form can be faxed to UHS. 
 Medication Administration Order.pdf
Please fill out our Annual Health Information Form for each student you have at UHS, fully remote and in-person (there will be a separate form for each school building, if you have students at other buildings you will receive those forms.)
 UHS Student Medical Information Form
Safety Protocols: Please click here to view the attached slide show to share with your household and students which includes information regarding COVID-19 symptoms, hand washing, mask use, social distancing, sick protocols and how to contact your school nurse. 
 UPS Reopening Safety Protocols for Students.pptx
 Protocol for Sick Students.pdf
 UHS Back to School Planning_ Checklists to Guid...
New Vaccine requirements: Influenza (flu) vaccine for all UHS grade levels by December 31st and MenACWY (Meningococcal) vaccine for Grade 11 students, this is typically done at the 16 year physical. This applies to fully remote and in-person students. Documentation by your provider may be submitted via fax, email, or hard copy. Also, if you have a medical or religious exemption to either of these vaccines please submit documentation. 
 Massachusetts School Immunization Requirements ...
Physical requirements: An updated physical is required for all grade 10 students. If students are registered for athletics a current physical is required every 13 months, please submit a physical if you have not already. 
If you have any questions or concerns now or during the school year please reach out. 
*As a reminder students should not be carrying any type of medications during the school day at UHS, with the exception of diabetic medications and supplies, epi-pens, and albuterol inhalers all with a doctor's order. 
*If you have medication that will need to be dropped off at the school prior to the first day please contact me to make arrangements as the procedure will be different this year.   

Personal care items: To reduce the frequency of healthy students visiting the nurse, it is highly recommended that personal care items be stored in students' backpacks for as-needed use. Examples: Chapstick, wax for braces, dental floss, deodorant, hand cream, nail clippers, menstrual products, contact solution. 

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