Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Program of Studies Approval

Our 2018-19 Program of Studies was approved at the School Committee meeting on Tuesday, February 6.  The document presents a great deal of information, so we urge you to look through course descriptions with students. In a shorter version, we also have revisions for 2018-19 listed in this document.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have started meeting with students, directed teachers to start inputting course recommendations, and began our course selection "conversations," in which teachers and students will discuss our course recommendations in terms of core courses. We have met with students in assemblies and handed out course selection sheets, and we hope to have all the grade 9-11 course selections input next week. Consequently, if you have questions about course recommendations, discuss them with your student and his/her teachers.

Beyond the core academics, we hope that families consider electives in terms of both student interest and post-secondary plans. We have new classes and are continuously updating existing curricula to match our teacher and student interests with the demands of the world around us.

In terms of questions:

  • For big-picture questions about the program as a whole, contact the guidance counselor;
  • For questions about specific electives, contact the department leader, counselor, or administration;
  • For questions about specific core course recommendations, contact your child's teacher.
Once we lock in course requests, we build schedules around those requests - so please remind students that those courses are their selections, not meant to be chosen and then later switched if students find that a friend is not in a course, an expected teacher is different, or that the course meets at an inconvenient time. Course requests are not made "just to see what happens!"

Finally, to see all the documents related to scheduling, check the "Academics" tab on the High School webpage and see the "Scheduling" sub-link. That can also be linked here: https://sites.google.com/a/uxbridge.k12.ma.us/the-uxbridge-high-school/scheduling or by copying that link into your browser.

We will be posting videos that explain our course selection presentations for those who could not make our course selection nights as well, and we will also link those on this blog.

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