Monday, September 12, 2016

Website Revisions

In an effort to make it look more professional, we have "cleaned up" the high school website, to try and make the site more visually appealing and with better information. 

The home page, which had a number of links that did not seem to intersect, now has a weekly calendar and agenda on the front page, and the tabs on the top of the page have been updated. If you place the mouse over the tabs on the top of the page, you will see a number of new links under each appropriate subsection, including student activities, parent resources, and academics, including teacher websites. The departmental links on the left sidebar are also being updated. 

Many of our teachers are now using Google classroom as part of their regular instructional repertoire. There is a way that a parent can gain access to the system, and our plan would be to have the majority of our teachers up and running on Google classroom over the next couple of academic years. Last year, we had two teachers piloting, but that number is now upwards of 15-18. As we gain more confidence with the resource, we will outreach to parents regarding its use. Of course, iParent remains active for checking grades. 

In this day and age, we realize that most of us rely on the Internet for instant information. Please understand that teachers update assignments and grade books on a consistent basis, but sometimes the "instant gratification" that comes from a Google search does not translate to grades. Should you see a consistent problem, please reach out to the teacher for updates.

We hope everyone finds the site a little cleaner and easier to navigate.

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